Pricing Pricing Structure

Create a website for your football club for as little as £5 per month!

Your subscription can be paid monthly or annually. Subscription fees are detailed below:

Option 1 Option 2
most popular
Option 3
Monthly price £5 £10 £15
Annual price £49 £99 £149
Free trial
(no payment details required)
30 days

Sign up
30 days

Sign up
30 days

Sign up
Headline features
Number of teams 1 10 Unlimited
Fixtures & results
Latest news system
Match reports
Player profiles
Detailed statistics
Beautifully designed
Mobile friendly
Looks great on tablets
Multiple colourschemes
In detail
Built for search engines
Easy to use
Articles and club info
Easy-to-use admin system
Contact page
League table
Custom domain names
Advertising placed by
Banner ads
Pop-up ads
Pop-under ads
Ads that play videos
Ads that play sound
Takeover ads
Sponsored content
We never place any ads on your website
30-day free trial Sign up Sign up Sign up

Pricing Structure

The cost of a website varies depending on how many individual team websites your club requires.

Single Team Website

A single team website is ideal for pub teams and 5-a-side/6-a-side teams, who only run one football team as part of their club.

Multiple Team Website

Multiple team websites are ideal for clubs who run several different teams, for example:

  • Junior football clubs: who run teams at different age groups - under 9s, under 10s, etc.
  • Amateur football clubs: who run teams at different skill levels - first team, second team, etc.
  • Mixed football clubs: who run teams for different sexes - boys, girls, etc.

Each team will be able to administer their own website and customise it as they wish, including: colours, fonts and images.

Domain Names

It is also possible to use your own domain name for your website. The cost of this is £15 per year. Click here for more information about hosting your domain with

How do I pay?

Payments are taken by PayPal.

How do I sign up?

Creating a website for your football club is easy, simply click here to sign-up.

Start your 30 day free trial

Quick Create your own professional football team website within ten minutes
Easy Our custom Administration System is powerful, yet simple to use
DigitalFC has provided our website template over the last 2 years, and we have received over 80,000 hits in that time. The players love to check their profiles, stats and match reports and it has proved valuable in raising sponsorship. Sandy FC wouldn't be the same without it.
Sandy Football Club